Cincinnati Therapist Shares Life’s Micro-Moments; An Exploration of the Ventral Vagal State During the New Year

As we begin the New Year, the topic of conversation surrounding New Year's Resolutions surfaces. For many of us, resolutions represent a positive opportunity to grow. For others, the anticipation of forced change may impose a burden to bear. I have tried my fair share of New Year’s resolutions: eating healthier, reducing screen time, traveling more; yet some years I still find myself feeling unfulfilled. So how can we reframe these structured resolutions to foster growth?

The act of appreciation and acknowledgment of life’s micro-moments.

The Polyvagal Theory focuses on the three autonomic nervous system states: the Ventral Vagal state, the Sympathetic state, and the Dorsal Vagal state. Each of these states sheds light on our body’s interpretation of our current life experience. The Sympathetic state encompasses our fight or flight response. This state may present as an overwhelmed feeling for some individuals. The Dorsal Vagal state is responsible for our freeze response. This state may present as a depressed mood and isolation. For the purpose of this blog, we will be focused on the Ventral Vagal state. The Ventral Vagal state is our safety and homeostatic state. During this time, we are grounded and regulated. As an individual shifts into the Ventral Vagal state, there are moments known as glimmers.

“Glimmers are tiny moments of goodness that help us remember that regulation, safety and connection is also possible” - Deb Dana

Glimmers are individualized moments that provide ventral vagal energy to the mind and body. Glimmers could range from the smell of freshly cut grass to coming home after a long day to see your pet excitedly awaiting your arrival. Often, these moments quickly flee our minds as the fast pace of daily life diverts our focus. That warmth of companionship brought by a pet is quickly overtaken by other responsibilities like clearing the dishes in the sink or the gifts that came in late that still need to be wrapped and sent off! I encourage those reading to take a moment to pause and reflect. Have you experienced any glimmers over the past hour, day, week? Give yourself permission to embrace those thoughts, experience the sensations in your body, and find joy in the moment.

The act of intentional appreciation is powerful and one which you deserve to experience. As the New Year approaches, I invite you to start off the year with the creation of a personalized list of glimmers. Then, allow yourself to notice. 

Here are some of my favorite examples of glimmers:

  • A breathtaking sunrise

  • The sound of birds chirping on a cool summer morning

  • An act of kindness

  • Seeing an old friend

  • Spirituality or religion

  • A favorite tv show

  • The feelings on sunshine on your face

  • A picture of a loved one

“When we know where we predictably find glimmers, we can make a practice of returning to those places and experiencing the ventral vagal energy they offer” - Deb Dana

Photo Credit: Jordan Wozniak @j_wozy


Dana, D. (2021). Anchored: How to befriend your nervous system using polyvagal theory. Sounds True.

The Rooted Compassion team is made up of a group of counselors who have a variety of specialties in order to best serve our clients. We recognize that every person has his/her own personal and unique life experiences and that one modality will not work for every client. Listed below is a summary of our counselors’ specialties at Rooted Compassion:

  • Polyvagal Theory/Nervous System Focused Therapy

  • Trauma Responsive Care Techniques

  • Grief Counseling

  • Somatic Focused Counseling

  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, EMDR

  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy 

  • Mindfulness-Based Practices

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

  • Drama Therapy/Expressive Arts

If you are interested in learning more about what Rooted Compassion is all about, please contact us today, look through our website, or find us on Instagram and Facebook.

Rooted Compassion Counseling is Ohio’s leading practice for trauma therapy through the lens of the nervous system. Our focus is to walk alongside clients as they heal from depression, anxiety, trauma, grief and/or loss. If you or someone you know are seeking to explore and build an inner sense of calm and safety, please contact us today. We would love to help you to find a counselor and counseling techniques that will guide you on your mental health journey to healing.

Be well,

The Team at Rooted Compassion Counseling & Consulting


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