Cincinnati Therapist Explores Rekindling the Flame: Couples Counseling's Evidence-Based Spark

Love can flicker under the smothering of miscommunication, conflict, and the subtle erosion of intimacy that everyday life can bring. Whether it's the demands of sharing a home, juggling work and chores, navigating the emotional storms of raising children through their various stages, or organizing the remains of an empty nest, the embers of romance can fade. When that happens, couples counseling might fan the flame, promising to rekindle the warmth and understanding that once fueled the connection.

Research paints a compelling picture, showcasing the immense power of couples therapy in rekindling relationships and navigating through the flickering winds of shared life.

I read an article where various approaches to couples counseling were examined, demonstrating a convincing success rate in significantly improving relationship satisfaction and quality and reducing distress utilizing diverse therapeutic strategies (Shifren et al. 2017; Wampold et al., 2017), including CBT-based programs and behavioral marital therapy. 

Beyond the core principles of couples therapy, integrated and emotion focused approaches and evidence-based psychotherapy offer different perspectives and techniques for addressing relationship challenges. While one focuses on promoting compassion and effective communication, others emphasize on identifying and expressing core emotions underlying relationship conflicts, increasing compatibility and intimacy. Exploring attachment styles, strengthening emotional bonds, deepening understanding for each other while managing conflict can lead to a steadier flame guiding through life’s storms into a more peaceful life. 

Therapists act as skilled guides, navigating a couple through the intricate map of their connection.

Through their expertise, therapists equip partners with effective communication tools, such as "I feel-statements" and active listening, fostering healthier conflict resolution skills and reducing the frequency and intensity of arguments (Christensen & Jacobson, 2000). Furthermore, therapy provides a safe haven for vulnerable expression, allowing partners to understand each other's perspectives and identify unhealthy patterns in their interaction.

Yet, couples therapy isn't a one-size-fits-all solution.

Some complexities, like infidelity or trauma, might necessitate longer durations or specialized interventions in conjunction with the therapy (Diamond & Carlson, 2017). Effectiveness depends on engagement by the couple but the potential for change remains. 

Here are some key ideas to reignite your relationship’s flame:

  • Research strongly supports the effectiveness of couple’s therapy. Studies show significant improvements in relationship satisfaction and reduced distress for most couples.

  • Active engagement from both partners is crucial for success, including regular attendance, task completion, and open communication.

  • Effectiveness may depend on individual circumstances. More complex situations may require longer durations or specialized interventions.

If you are interested in exploring the power of couples counseling, Nicole Kreutzer, LPC, has immediate openings!

Photo Credit: mehul Dave @mehuldave


  • Christensen, A., & Jacobson, N. S. (2000). Integrative family therapy: Reaching for the gold standard. American Family Therapy Association.

  • Diamond, S. R., & Carlson, J. L. (2017). Beyond the trauma: Healing from domestic violence. HarperCollins.

  • Shifren, I., DiLalla, D. L., & Stratton, P. (2017). Couples therapy in the early 21st century: A review of current trends and directions. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 43(3), 596-616.

  • Wampold, A. E., Mondt, J., Bruschino, B. A., & Gotlib, I. H. (2017). The efficacy of psychotherapy: Meta-analysis of controlled outcome studies. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 86(5), 293-323.

The Rooted Compassion team is made up of a group of counselors who have a variety of specialties in order to best serve our clients. We recognize that every person has his/her own personal and unique life experiences and that one modality will not work for every client. Listed below is a summary of our counselors’ specialties at Rooted Compassion:

  • Polyvagal Theory/Nervous System Focused Therapy

  • Trauma Responsive Care Techniques

  • Grief Counseling

  • Somatic Focused Counseling

  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, EMDR

  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy 

  • Mindfulness-Based Practices

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

  • Drama Therapy/Expressive Arts

If you are interested in learning more about what Rooted Compassion is all about, please contact us today, look through our website, or find us on Instagram and Facebook.

Rooted Compassion Counseling is Ohio’s leading practice for trauma therapy through the lens of the nervous system. Our focus is to walk alongside clients as they heal from depression, anxiety, trauma, grief and/or loss. If you or someone you know are seeking to explore and build an inner sense of calm and safety, please contact us today. We would love to help you to find a counselor and counseling techniques that will guide you on your mental health journey to healing.

Be well,

The Team at Rooted Compassion Counseling & Consulting


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